7 tips for budding entrepreneurs

7 tips for budding entrepreneurs

From: http://www.bizjournals.com/boston/news/

Making the leap from employee to entrepreneur is an incredible opportunity and the ride of a lifetime.

If you decide to make the transition, stay confident in yourself and learn from others.

On my own entrepreneurial journey from …

6 things to consider before you franchise your business

6 things to consider before you franchise your business

From: http://www.bizjournals.com/

All too frequently, entrepreneurs who are not prepared to be franchisors request my legal services to help them offer franchises.

The common scenario involves a passionate customer approaching the owner and operator of one or two successful restaurants …

Get customers to actually read your emails

Get customers to actually read your emails

From: http://www.bizjournals.com/

You’ve proven yourself to be a good email marketer for your small business. You have a healthy list of subscribers. You even know to use an email service provider instead of your Gmail, Outlook or Comcast account to …

4 steps to reinventing your retirement

4 steps to reinventing your retirement

From: http://www.bizjournals.com/

There’s a “silver tsunami” making waves today.

Around 10,000 baby boomers will hit retirement every single day over the course of the next 20 years.

But for boomers, retirement doesn’t mean what it used to! In fact, for …