What to do when someone insults your profession

What to do when someone insults your profession

From: bizjournals.com

It happens. As we approach the holiday season, you meet people at parties. They insult your profession. Other comments come from people who have had a bad experience and assume “you’re all the same.”

How do you respond?…

Managing: How to communicate decisions you don’t like

Managing: How to communicate decisions you don’t like

From: bizjournals.com

Each week Alison Green, who also writes the “Ask a Manager” website, answers workplace and management questions from readers. Please comment or ask your own question by emailing her at alison@askamanager.org.

Question: How managers should communicate decisions they

3 big LinkedIn announcements that will impact your sales

3 big LinkedIn announcements that will impact your sales


In case you missed it, LinkedIn recently released its quarterly earnings report, which in most cases would be yawn-inducing to anyone who isn’t an investor. But this particular report included some important nuggets that can help you generate more …

Women gain seats on corporate boards

Women gain seats on corporate boards

From: http://www.bizjournals.com/boston

Corporate America is making progress in adding more women to their boards of directors — women now hold 18.8 percent of board seats on 842 companies tracked by 2020 Women on Boards.
That’s up from 17.7 percent last …