Governor offers one-stop shopping program for companies that want to expand to, or in, Massachusetts

Governor offers one-stop shopping program for companies that want to expand to, or in, Massachusetts


The state has created what in effect is a one-stop-shopping portal for businesses that want to grow in Massachusetts or relocate here.

In announcing the Governor’s BizWorks program at’s offices in Cambridge, Gov. Charlie Baker said this morning that business owners too often are stymied by separate processes for seeking tax breaks, finding locations and identifying qualified employees.

Baker said the program is a result of closer collaboration among three secretariats: labor and workforce development; housing and economic development; and education. He said he wants Governor’s Bizworks to comprise “a single enterprise, singing hopefully off the same sheet of music…so that we can support companies like Amazon and others that are looking to grow.”

Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Jay Ash said part of the program will be identifying the right locations in the state for the right companies.
“One size doesn’t fit all and our approach isn’t one size fits all for the commonwealth,” he said.
Baker also said there’s more the state can do — he declined to get into specifics, but said he’d so next year — to ensure Massachusetts has enough skilled tradesmen.
Citing what he said was one example, Baker said: “There’s nobody out there who knows anything about plumbing who won’t tell you we are going to have a gigantic shortage of plumbers. We already have a shortage. That shortage, as the average age of plumbers goes up, that shortage is going to get bigger and bigger and bigger.”
Labor and Workforce Development Secretary Ronald Walker II said the state will do more to align spending on training with employer needs.
The Governor’s BizWorks team has a toll-free phone number: 1-800-252-1591.

The state already had a BizWorks program, but not at the level of the governor’s office.

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