4 core investment strategies from Wells Fargo expert

4 core investment strategies from Wells Fargo expert

From: http://www.bizjournals.com/

There’s only one guaranty when it comes to investing — and that’s that there will always be something to worry about, Wells Fargo’s Chief Investment Officer Erik Davidson said in Denver at a recent event with about 350 investors from Wells Fargo Private Bank.

He told the group there are lots of things that can be labeled a clear and present danger — like currency, Russia, Washington D.C., the fiscal cliff and cyber security.

“Lots of things will go wrong,” he said.

In the past 15 years, investors have seen the tech bubble, financial crisis and the greatest decline in housing since the Great Depression, unemployment going above 10 percent, and a stock market decline of 57 percent.

“It’s understandable that for most investors there is a post traumatic stress mindset — you have a hairpin trigger for all the things that can go wrong,” he said.

Investors have worried that interest rates are too high. Now they are desperate to get interest rates off zero, he said.

And they used to worry the U.S. dollar was too weak. Now they worry it’s too strong.

“But, there are a lot of very good things happening as well,” he said.

The U.S. economy today is at an all time high. Everything lost in the recession has been fully recovered and then some, he said.

“There have never been more people working in our country then there are today,” he said. “We lost 8 million jobs — all fully recovered.”

The world by definition is uncertain, he said, there is risk out there. “So, how can you as an investor navigate that risk?”

Here are his four core investment tenants going into 2016.

1. Have an investment strategy matched with your financial goals

“If your goal is measured in days, or months, then by all means have strategy measured in days or months. “But most people have goals that are measured in years, decades, even generations. So, don’t get caught up in the noise of the news cycle. Have a strategy that is calibrated to your financial goals.”

2. Build an all-weather portfolio

Don’t go all into equities or bonds, or commodities or and alternative assets. “You need to have an all weathered strategy so that no matter where you are, you are prepared,” he said. “You know very well the weather can change in an instant. You’ve got to be prepared.”

3. Globalize

Of the 7 billion people on the planet, 97 percent are non-Americans. “Three quarters of the world’s economic production takes place outside of our country,” he said. “There is a big, big pond out there that needs to represented in our portfolios, and unfortunately American investors are much to Proventil in how we view the world.”

4. Buy and manage

Don’t buy and hold, “like you would just put the cruise control on your car and never watch over it,” he said. Always look for opportunities to change and adjust based on circumstances.

“And maybe the most difficult thing to do when it comes to investing is you need to rebalance,” he said. “What that means is trim back those investments doing well and reinvest in those proceeds in investments that have done poorly – it goes completely against human nature. But time and time and again, it proves to be the investment strategy because it systemizes the single way to ensure that you make money buy low and sell high.”

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