4 ways saying ‘no’ can improve your business

4 ways saying ‘no’ can improve your business

From: http://www.bizjournals.com/


For many entrepreneurs, learning to say “no” can be a trying experience.

Far too often, you want to please everyone and do everything as soon as you can in hopes of increasing profits.

It is imperative to learn early on that saying “no” can be as important as saying “yes.”

In our busy lives, as we look to please everyone, we often forget what’s most important. For me, that’s family, faith, health and my company. I use my dream board to keep me on the right track for the dreams I want to accomplish and to recognize which yeses will help me achieve those goals.

When deciding whether to respond with a “yes” or a “no,” keep in mind: You can do anything, but you can’t do everything.

Use these four tips to help you remember why the nos are as important as the yeses to your business.

1. Keep the clutter out

The more you add to your plate, the less focus you have and the less attention you can pay to the things that really matter to you. Don’t let the distractions get the best of you.

2. Don’t dilute yourself

The more often you say yes, the more you dilute yourself, especially in regard to your single most important focus. As you stretch yourself thinner by trying to do everything, you lose sight of your goals and may even get frustrated and burnt out.

3. Seek help

Don’t undertake something yourself that you know someone else might be able to dedicate their time to and do equally well. Surround yourself with a great team that you can rely on to get the job done.

4. Think strategically

Saying “no” allows you to think strategically about the future. You may feel sure that you want something now, but you should evaluate how — and whether — it might benefit you in the future.

Having everything right now can be fun, but it may not pay off in the long run. For It Works!, part of our success was the ability to stay the course by saying “no” to some of the extras or perks that caught our eye early on but which may have damaged us and the company as we tried to grow.

Remember: Say “no” to things that may distract you from your goals and say “yes” to what’s most important to you and to achieving your goals.

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