So, your fantastic business idea has launched, you’ve seen some success and you’ve finally hit an operational groove. Then things hit a bit of a plateau. You wonder, is it time to grow? If so, how? This month we’ve compiled resources to help you answer exactly those two questions and get your business on the path to achieving even bigger and better things.
Take stock of your business
Is now the right time to focus your business on growth? Before you can prepare your company for additional growth, take a moment to analyze your strengths and weaknesses. Taking these steps will help you concentrate your efforts in the areas where you have the best chance of success. By looking for strengths you will also spot your company’s weaknesses. Consult this 7-Step Checklist for Growing Your Businessand see if your business is in healthy standing with items like costs, personnel, market and competition in order to plan for growth. Then download the 7 Steps for Growing Your Business to get growing!
Think inside-out
Have you met an entrepreneur whose business just seems to thrive no matter what else is changing in the world around them? Tap into that secret potion for success by reframing the way you think. Daniel Kehrer, Founder & Managing Director of BizBest Media Corp., says, “Solid, long-term growth starts with what I call ‘inside-out’ thinking – doing the things inside your business that you can control, and paying less attention to the outside things you can’t control.” He shares his “10 Inside-Out Secrets of Growing Your Business” including:
- Change how you think about growth – “Consider growth a constant – not something you switch on or off depending on conditions.”
- Hire help to watch your money – “Find well qualified people who share your vision and then step back and take their advice. “
- Recognize when to change direction – “There are times you may need to change direction or call it day, and having the courage to do so can be liberating.”
Learn from today’s hottest tech companies
Meredith Wood, Editor-in-Chief at Fundera, shares insights into the growth strategies of companies like Uber, Dropbox and Google and how you can employ these techniques to take your business to new heights. Tips include offering free products and services, creating exclusivity and building word of mouth directly into your product. Don’t reinvent the wheel; learn How Your Small Business Can Steal Growth Strategies from 3 of Today’s Hottest Tech Companies.
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